October 17, 2013

A 'Gentle' Reminder

Hi Everyone

Michelle here from Lady of Leisure Ink - thank you once again Pam for having me.  As we all know October is 'Breast Cancer Awareness Month', and so I have a card to share with everyone, which I hope will act as a 'gentle' reminder about not such a gentle subject.  Forgive my sense of humor - it's just they way I am.

This image was a 'freebie' - given  away by Tamara,(the artist behind The Stamping Chef) - she gave this as part of a challenge on her Facebook group.  Thank You Tamara!

The background of the card is paper from DCWV 'Rockstar' stack, and the letters are cut with my Cameo, run through the Xyron and coated in pink glitter.  Here is a closer look at them and the image which of course is coloured with ProMarkers.

I hope you won't be offended my the inside sentiment, as I said it is my sense of humor and how I tend to handle serious/difficult topics like this - but I truly want you to take it seriously.

I am not going to go on about the number of people I know who had their breast cancer detected early because of mammograms, or were diagnosed too late due to lack of screening - sadly, we all know too many.  Just get it done, OK?

See you next time.


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