March 7, 2013

Lovey Dovey Altered Birdhouse

Hi everyone! This is Elizabeth from 217 Creations.  I am here today to share a quick altered birdhouse with you.  I have been trying to clean up scraps and consolidate all my scrappy stuff.  I guess you could say I got bit by the organizational bug. In the whole process, I found a small stack of left over card scarps.  I figured they would be perfect for this little altered birdhouse. I am sharing this project not only with my readers but also the readers at The Bug Bytes.
The birdhouse is from my stash as well.  I think I may have bought it at Michaels. I glazed the entire unfinished birdhouse with Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist Cranberry. I did several coats allowing the wood to dry.  The next step was to glaze the birdhouse with Glimmer Glam in Be Positive. I did two coats.  This gave me a beautiful finish that is shinny and has sparkles. 
I trimmed all my paper scraps from Imaginisce and sealed them with Mod Podge Paper to the birdhouse.  Once they had all been adhered, I did a gentle light coat over all the paper and the edges.
To finish off my project, I tied a small bow with 3 Girl Jam Crinkle Ribbon and hot glued it to the top of the birdhouse.
I hope you like my little lovey dovey birdhouse. As always thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment and to subscribe to us here at The Bug Bytes and on my personal blog at 217 Creations,


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