March 28, 2013

Bunny Treats

Digistamps4joy and Shelly's Image is having a combined challenge.
You have to use both the image Peter and Egg Basket in a project.
The images can be requested and the details are at
I wanted to make atleast 2 projects with it.
I thought I would start with a simple treat.
This is a  candy tube I had and I decided to fill it with treats and make a simple label with it.
The treats are jelly beans (thanks to Donna)

I sized the combined the images in photoshop and this image is 1.5 inches. I stickled the image it a bit
Some more views

;) I said simple didn't I?

Recovering from a back episode and this was my first crafting attempt in days. So starting simple.

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  1. Such a wonderful gift idea. Love how you have combined the images.
    {I would love you to take part in my 500 Follower Give-away. Thank you so much if you have already entered.} Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. beautiful creation Pam.

    greetings karin

  3. This is a great little gift idea! I love the stickles to add some sparkle. Great job! I would really appreciate it if you would follow my blog as well as I am trying to build up my blog .. thanks!


  4. What a lovely gift idea, and that image is so cute. Sorry your back is playing you up, glad you are feeling better.

  5. Ah this is so 'sweet' (sorry could not resist that!). Seriously though, a beautiful project, and thanks for playing in the Get Together challenge!
    Owner: Digistamps4Joy

  6. Just adorable! I love it. Thanks so much for joining our Get Together event!


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