December 24, 2012

Secret Santa

TheBugbytes team and She's A Sassy Lady team held together two events. One was the Christmas tag swap and the other was the Secret Santa. Our budget was around $15 of crafty items.
I was Santa for Karon. Hope she liked what I sent her. She is such a sweetie and an such a talented designer . She designs in both our blogs.
My Santa was  a dear friend Kelly Millet . She sent me my Santa gift all the way from UK .
We have not met in person but we have for sure chatted virtually. We first met (virtually of course) through the cricut MB while hunting cartridges lol. We now share our love of coloring stamps . You should drop in her blog and see her projects.
Ok now on to the photos of all my goodies.

Here is the elegant card she made for me.

She sent me the goodies in this box and wrapped up in these lovely gift wrap

And here are the embellishments she sent

Flat Backed Adhesive  Pearls

Prima leaves

Prime flowers

Brads and Buttons

Lettered Beads

Beautiful Brass charms

Ribbons and lace

Isn't that awesome. Thank you Kelly. I love it.

I also want to share other goodies I got

Adele   from & -
also a designer at both TheBugbytes and Sassylady - sent me this lovely card calender. Thank you Adele. I have it on my kitchen stand

And I also want to share what Sheila sent me for my birthday. Yep more goodies. Thank you Sheila

A cute shaped card

Note and foam cling

Some flower

Some brads

A 6x 6 Authentique pad and K& Company sticker

2 CTMH stamps

I love love all the goodies. I am off to enjoy my hoard. Do share what crafty stuff you all got this Holiday!

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  1. OMGosh Pam....You sure had a great Santa ;)You are such a lucky Lady, though thoroughly deserve it all :)
    Huge hugs my Friend

  2. wow Pam thats wonderful what a great gift and crafting goodies.

    greetings karin

  3. Pam - I loved my gifts thank you!! WOW - you got awesome gifts too - this was such a great idea - hope we do it again. Have a fabulous Christmas. Hugs, Karon.

  4. Enjoy all your goodies - can't wait to see what you make with them.


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