March 26, 2012

Car and dump truck pictures

Good morning!  I'm Kim from Kimberli's Creations, this is my first post as a member of the Design Team at The Bug Bytes and I'm so excited!!  Thanks to Pam for asking me to join this great group of designers on her blog!

Today I have some pictures to share that I made for my oldest son's room!  I found a great quilt for his new room a couple of months ago but couldn't find any pictures to match, so I decided I'd make them!  Its taken me awhile but I finally got a few done and I'm really liking how they're turning out!

I found some black 10x10 frames at Michael's - they were on sale, so they ended up being less then $4 each!  His quilt has a mix of construction vehicles and cars so I went through the Cricut carts that I have, to pick out some that looked similar.  I used a car and dump truck from Boys Will Be Boys and a car as well as the roads from Everyday Paper Dolls.

For the paper, I used mostly Echo Park "Little Boy" collection with some from the "Springtime" collection and then I filled in with cardstock from my stash where needed.

I did step-by-step photos for you, as I created the first picture, so you could see my process...I started with laying out my paper on my mat, once I had it all set up on my Gypsy...

Here it is cut...

This is a trick that I want to share with you, that I learned from my friend Tracy!  Instead of wasting a whole 12x12 sheet of paper, since you will only be seeing the edges, she cuts out the middle to be able to save to use on another project!  It seems so simple (and GENIUS! ;-)- thanks Tracy!) but I honestly never thought about doing that - it kills me to think of all the paper I've wasted over the years by not doing this!  But I'm glad she shared her trick, because now I do it as much as I can!!

So here is my background paper, cut down to 10x10 then I cut the middle out - leaving enough of an edge to adhere my picture onto.

And here the scene part of my picture is adhered to my background paper and you can't even tell that the middle is missing!  :-)

I used Imaginesce colored foam tape to pop up the cars - I like it because its not super thick, so it still gives it dimension but since they were going in the frame, I didn't need too much dimension.

I inked the edges of everything using my Quick Quotes PowderPuff chalking ink- I can't say enough how much I love this ink and how smooth it glides on the edges as you ink!

And here are the completed pics - framed and ready to go!  I can't wait to see my son's reaction to his new pictures!  I'd love to be able to take pictures of them hanging in his room to show you, against his blue walls, but he's asleep - so that will have to be done later!  ;-)

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Hope you have a great week!!


  1. I never thought about using the center either. That is genius! Your pictures are so cute. Great job!

  2. How cute are these! Prefect for a little boys room. TFS

  3. What a lovely idea to save paper. Love your project. It will look great in a boy's room. AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  4. These are adorable - I love the colours. TFS.

  5. Those are really awesome! I've wanted to do something for my Grandson's room/my spare room, but hadn't come up with any ideas I liked yet. Thanks for the inspiration!! They turned out great!!

  6. Kim I really love these! I am so gonna do up some for the boys rooms! Ty for the inspiration!

  7. What a cute project. So cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog during the CMC Birthday Bash. I hope you had fun.

  8. Pretty inpiring as well as useful in addition. Appreciate it to your learn.

  9. Great informations in my opinion. Your post has valuable.


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