December 14, 2011

OTHER Celebrations and Cultures

Ciao a tutti! Kymberlee here from The Paper Midwife

As we all scurry about trying to gather the perfect gift, or make the most perfect decor sometime it is hard to remember that other people celebrate differently. I love that there are so many different cultures and traditions blended into my very own family and all around me. Since we are adopting our foster children and my birth children have grown, left the nest and are making their way in the world with their own traditions, I have enjoyed exploring different religions and celebrations this holiday season. In my family and close circle of friends there are a LOT of December birthdays (including my own) so December is a very special month to me for many reasons.  I have always really thrown myself into projects and learning so my creations are as much about learning as they are a crafty outlet.

This year a co-worker of my husband asked me to make a card for his son's Coming of Age also known as Seijin no Hi [成人の日] In Japanese culture this is a HUGE deal and is celebrated country wide in a particular day for all who will be "coming of age" that year. Here in the U.S  it is usually on the persons actual birthday. My instructions for the card were very vague. Traditional Japanese look but plain. He likes clean lines and less is more. He also gave my husband this long verse out of a book that he wanted included......okay hmmmmm so my first thought was Koi because Koi Fish meaning in Japan is good fortune or luck they also are associated with perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose. So I broke out the Copics and crafted up a beautiful little card, or so I thought. That night at work my husband is telling him about it (because who KNOWS why) and he says simply "I don't care for Koi" UGH!! Strike one!

Here is the reject card:
(note that I took the Japanese lettering off the layering to the left and will add something else when I re purpose the card for a note card)

When I went back to the drawing board I started researching the verse and wording he gave me to include. It is from a book about raising a Samurai and traditional concepts to the Japanese culture. As I was researching and learning an idea started to formulate in my head. Here are the points that provided me with inspiration for the card:
~ the "Rising Sun"Japan is known as the land of the rising sun, and it also means new beginnings
~ A torii (鳥居・鳥栖・鶏栖?, is a traditional Japanese gate most commonly found at the entrance of or within a Shinto shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from the profane to the sacred.
~ The combination of red and white (kouhaku) is a symbol for auspicious or happy occasions.
kuro (black) is a symbol of  honor, nobility, age, and experience.
~  metal is a symbol of earth (often means gold or money) Chi (sometimes ji) or tsuchi, meaning "Earth", represents the hard, solid objects of the world.
~  a coin with a round shape and a hole in the center (symbolizing heaven and earth) is regarded as lucky coin
~ The Japanese believe that the gods tie an invisible red string around the ankles of men and women who are destined to be soul mates and will one day marry each other
~ black cords/string tied to presents and other different sorts of packages is called the "musubi" meaning "ties"
~ Katanawa is is a loped knot or tie and symbols congratulations, it is used when it is necessary to "look at what is inside"

So taking all I learned this is the card I came up with:


I really like what I came up with and if he doesn't..oh well. I am done with this project and moving on to other celebrations and projects that are overdue this month.
Whatever your traditions and celebrations are in your family, I wish you JOY and HAPPINESS always. 

Buon Natale e Buon Tutto
~ Kymberlee

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  1. This is awesome kym. you can always send me the koi :) I love them. TFS

  2. Awesome work, Kymberlee! You put a lot of effort into this project and it shows. I the black, red and white, mixed with metal. Some of my favorite design elements!

  3. Fantastic job! I love love the first design, but the second one is so meaningful, so I'm sure they'll love it. I love the metal on the inside of the second one, especially.

  4. This was a very interesting post. Thank you for sharing with us.

  5. Great Job! Very Interesting! Thanks for sharing


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