September 19, 2011

Problem with my art philosophy cartridge :(

After a long time decided to indulge myself with a cartridge - art philosophy. First it was back ordered and then I was so excited when it arrived yesterday! So I took out my poor neglected gypsy and updated it - update took an hour and this with imagine updates turned off. And when I go to link - Nope it will not link! Had to wait an hour on call and when I was asked to read the cartridge number - it had an extra dash something like CHA# - # - ###### instead of CH# - ######.
Well now I have to wait for 10 more days! And to boot cricut sync did not read gypsy files. Remember I had this problem before - well PC wasn't helpful this time either with that and went through half an hour or more and played with settings and finally got it to work. After a year or so why should update and linking still be Russian Roulette? Well hopefully that should teach me not to get tempted by cartridges and stick with the one hundred I do have!  lol


  1. Acht! That stinks, but it did get your Gypsy out of storage :D. Art Philosophy looks like a wonderful cartridge and if I didn't have more car repairs and a tax bill I'd be ordering it too!

  2. Pam, so sorry you had to deal with all that!!! I've had update issues before also and had to wait hours on the phone, so I know how frustrating it can be!!! That's why I'm terrified of updates... lol!!! Haven't updated the last 2 updates at all!!!

  3. No fun.... I got mine over the weekend in Mobile and that cartridge is to die for.... it is awesome!!!!!!!!!! Be patient... 10 days will past pretty fast.

  4. I'm having a problem with mine too. When I try to link the cartridge it says I need to update my Gypsy. But when I try to update it, it says it's up to date. *Shrugs* No clue what to do. Sent them an email, hoping to hear from them soon.

  5. Hang in there Pam! You will love love love this cart once you're finally able to link and cut.

  6. I've had the same "lovely" problem. Well, 10 days has come and gone and still waiting....I've had my cart for 3 weeks now! Not good business in this tight economy. This is one of many unhappy Cricut customers.


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