June 20, 2011

Wedding Invitations -

Hello Friends,

This is Denine from PumpkinSpice, the wonderful Pam of The Bugbytes is allowing me to share a project today with you.  I hope you enjoy. :)

Today I would like to share the Wedding Invitations I made for my oldest son and his Bride to be.  I think they turned out pretty well and the Bride to be was thrilled, so that makes it all worth it!!  

We made about 200..

Thanks you so much for taking the time to check out my posting today. 

I hope you got a 'smile' out of something you saw or got some inspiration to go do something crafty. 


  1. Beautiful invitations. Love the detail in them. Be sure to link them up to She's A Sassy Lady Double card post.... afterall this is double times 100!!!! That is a lot of cards. Amazing!

  2. Denine, your invitations are just beautiful! Black and white is just always so elegant!


  3. So adorable and clean...love you invites. Fabulous job. TFS! ~Shen


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