I decided to take my small point and shoot - Lumix z7 instead of my Nikon SLR as I was too tired after coming back from Dallas Stampede - a scrapbook event and did not want to lug my Nikon and keep changing lenses. So here are some pictures from there. After looking at my copyright I need to change the font and work on this a bit. I love the font but well it needs to be a bit bold. Well that's work for another day. Meanwhile..
Then there was this cart which was made by a High School in Houston for a parade as a float and donated to the park. It was so lovely. It is a working cart
Close up. Look at all the details
Now here I want to give a shout out. We had gone to check out the writer's workshop. Here's a portion of the brochure. You can find further info in the link which I have given above.
My son enjoyed the class and while he was inside and we were waiting outside we found a cool program going on outside - The Teatro Alley. It is a program where people learn English by playing games. Since I was just sitting and was invited by them to join in I joined in. We played tossing the bean bag while saying a word from the category chosen. For eg first category was color and we had to throw it at anyone in the group calling out a color name.
If you are here around Houston and have kids check it out
So here are pictures of the rest of the group
And here are a couple of shots of my son from his creative writer's workshop
And after the class some fun time
Well that's some of my pictures on our visit to Discovery Green.

Thanks, Pam! Looks like a great place, and your son is adorable!
"kind encouraging and inspiring words"
I appreciate your comments so much. They are treasured and such an inspiration. Thanks for leaving them.