September 30, 2010

I am back for a while & a minor? glitch in 0194/0203

Did I go somewhere? No but I was only half in in blogging and MB ing as I had an certification exam to take. I passed! and now I am a Jessica Sprague certified digital designer!!. You all know I am addicted to the site! I knew I was going to be in India for half of the class but thankfully due to it being summer they had extended the exam date. My papers are of course available for download in the other website!! Papillon digital designs.
Now coming to the glitch! My G is 0194/0203 and it adds an extra layer when you save the file. Save the file , close and re open for often as not only saving , closing the file (of course you can only close in a convoluted way by opening another file) and then re opening reflects the changes..
Well we always have layer1  - empty mat added to the file... So what's the harm in that? Can't say. I do not know how much more each page/layer/mat to file will add to the overall memory - do not know and can't say.
But it is for sure irritating seeing when you have named other layers/pages/mats beautifully just this layer 1 sticking out like a sore thumb. Bothers my organized mind. ..... Ok whom am I kidding with the last sentence :).. I am known to be impulsive but I still will say to a certain extent I am organized - not like that guy in Sleeping with the enemy but chaotically organized. What an oxymoron!!!

Here's a picture


  1. Congratulations on getting your certifcation - that's great news!

    I had exactly the same problem last night when I tried to save the file for the eyelet edge card I posted on Tuesday. It is so annoying to have that extra page pop up! I brought the file into Design Studio and changed the first page but I haven't tried the file on the Gypsy again to see if the extra layer still appears.
    I wonder why this happens...

  2. Congratulations on your certification! Now we can talk more! The tests are over!!!!

  3. Pam, congratulations on your certification -- hip, hip, hooray!!!

  4. Yeah!! I'll bet it feels like college finals are over now! Let's party!!

    Thanks for the tip on the update. It's so weird. I am helping our software developers make some changes to a database we use at work and it seems like they make one little tiny change and it affects everything else. But, if they were perfect, they wouldn't have a job!


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