Whatever. My hubby has been bugging me for the past two weeks to change my site. I loved how my blog looked before changing 5 months back. I love scrappy layouts and I had to change as he said it was too busy. Gosh! doesn't this man get it that we are girls and love color. But no! So I changed to a little more subtler one.

But no! Even that has to change. Well it cannot get any simpler than this!!
Btw please do recheck if you have subscribed by email if you are getting this post as while construction somethings had to be redone.
Ok off I am to scrap.

Edited : Well I got rid of the green (which hubby chose ) and changed to a light bright color. I need color. It is still simple as hubby wanted but airy and colorful like I wanted a nice compromise... Since I also got rid of the artiseer template it might be even faster..
Hi!! I hope you can receive comments while under construction! All my pics that I scrap are from my digital camera... I edit them using a very simple editing software... I am thinking about purchasing photoshop... I am not very computer savy, so does anybody have advice for me on which photoshop to purchase? I also want to learn how to do digital page layouts...
Leslie in Indiana
I like the simple cleanness of it.
2 thumbs up.
I would suggest photoshop elements dear. It is quite easy to learn and you can easily do digital layouts with it and excellent and easy to use. But if you want to become a designer then you have to go for the photoshop cs2 or cs 3 or cs4 or cs5
WOW, I LOVE your new look!! GREAT job!
Gypsy hugs,
Love the colors and the whimsical feel!!!!
I love how bright it is and easy to read. I think you do a great job supervising these construction guys!!! TFS, Mary M
I LOVE IT!! It's bright & Cheery!!!
As we get older....we have to have LIFTS more often....LOL!!! The MORE lifts we have the less likely we'll end up like CHESTER!!! ROTFLOL!!!!
I like the new look and it is faster to get on!!! Missing everyone!
I love the new look! It was too dark and busy with all the tabs. Now it is bright cheerful and easier to read. Love the orange/blue color combination you chose. Sometimes change is good! Keep up the good work!
"kind encouraging and inspiring words"
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