So leave a comment in this post with your email by July 3rd midnight central time and yes - you have to be a follower for this one for sure as that's what this is all about :). Let's do the drawing again on July 4th. A nice date for celebration don't you think?
Well even now this latest whatever you call it - watching the dashboard fever - is not gone out of my system yet. Would you believe I am now following my friend Sassy's blog - http://shesasassylady.blogspot.com/ and also Tuesday Treats http://www.tuesdaytreats.com/ :) ? I know I am sick..
Just a little more words - Followers - I thank all of you who are following my blog. It is such a nice feeling when someone reads and thinks that you might just be worthy enough to maybe read a little bit and so then follows you. It soon becomes like a pulse or heart beat which measures how healthy a blog really is. So is it any wonder I am thankful to all of you who have followed and made me so happy today for this is truly a landmark day for me.
Thank you and Hugs!
Congrats Pam on breaking 500 followers. I am hooked on your blog. Your videos are so helpful. Thank you for all you do!
Congrats on the big 500!!! You're sooo awesome for doing this giveaway, Thanks for the chance to win!!
Congrats Pam! Love this cart. Thanks for the chance.
gjrmjw at msn dot com
That's so awesome! I'm happy for you! I remember when I first met you on the Gypsy board when the Gypsy was all brand new! I'm adding your button to my blog today because I just realized it's not up there yet! I'm such an airhead sometimes. Congrats on your success! xosparklesxo03@hotmail.com
Thanks for the chance to win and for being so helpful on the Cricut board. You are awesome!
Wow 500, and I think I read 504.... look at you go girl! What a lovely giveaway. Anyone and everyone would love to have this blog candy! PICK ME - PICK ME is our battle cry!
506 followers now. :) I'm here so much watching your video's and I just realized today that I'm not a followers. LOL I'm glad the give away is lovely floral... I have celebrate with flourish and the fonts are great.
Congrats on hitting 500+! The cartridge looks so pretty. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.
Congrats on 500! Thank you for the chance to win!
Congrats on all your followers. and thanks for the chance to win. that is a very beautiful cartrige (still hoping my walmart gets them in)
Wow congrats on hitting 500! Must be exciting!
Craftyraccooneyes at gmail dot com
Congratulations!! won't be surprised if make it to at least 525 by the end of the mont. Great Blog.
I thought for sure you would even have more than 500. This blog is so helpful. You are a very talented lady. Thanks
lastamper at aol dot com
this looks like a great cart.thanks for the chance to win it.you have a really nice blog.
Woo Hoo Pam!! Congrats on your 500!!!! This is one of the Lites that I DON'T have!!!
I really love your blog! When I first got my gypsy all your tutorials really helped me learn all the features. Congrats on reaching 500! Keep the tutorials coming. I check everyday and watch them all :)
Congrats!!!!! Thanks for the giveaway I'm on a spending ban and would love this cart! My e-mail is mrs.angieduran@comcast.net
Woohoo!! Thanks for opportunity!!
hipmonkey @ msn.com
Congrats! I am now a follower!
I would love to win this cart! Who doesn't love a font on a cart in addition to great images?! Thanks for your generosity!
Congrats to you for hitting 500! Thanks so much for the chance at your wonderful giveaway!
jjsmic at gmail
congrats on 500! what a great giveaway!
brandyj1121 @ hotmail dot com
Wow! 500 is so huge! I've only been following for a bit but really love your stuff! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a great celebration!
michelegreen120 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the chance to win. tacyn@comcast.net
I am so proud of you Pam!!!! Congrats on the 500!!! I cannot believe you are going to part with this one!
Thanks for the giveaway. Congrats on 500 followers. I just become one as well.
Congratulations on the growth of your blog. It is so helpful and informative. Thanks for the giveaway chance to win.
That is awesome that you broke 500 followers. Yay for you!!!!!!!
Congratulations on 500 followers, I learn so much from you that it's nice to see so many followers.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this cartridge.
Cynthia K.
Congrats on the 500 follower milestone!! I have been following since I got my Gyspy in February. Thanks for sharing all you do with us.
Amy ♥
crickett4 (at) gmail (dot) com
Congratulations! Love your blog and your videos! Thank you for the chance to win! :-)
carrie dot slaughter at gmail dot com
Congratulations on 500 followers! Looks to me like your blog's heartbeat is pulsing away! klwatson@gmail.com
congratulation on getting over 500 follower its its so nioe of you to do a give away i so wish we could buy the lites in the UK i would so love this one its so cute
Congrats on reaching 500. That is great. I love your tips about the Gypsy.
Soon you will hit 1000 followers, your blog is awesome!
Congrats Pam. Have been a followere for some time. Thanks for all your G tips.
love it
wow!! I can't believe that I wasn't a follower already! I'm always coming in to check you out!! LOL...congrats!
Congrats, Pam! Thanks for the chance to win! I've only got one Lite cart...so this would be a nice way to give my lonely Lite a buddy! lol :)
Congratulations Pam woo hooo.I am a email follower does that count.
congratulations pam!! thanks for the opportunity to win a lite cart!! i am a follower (who wouldn't be?) and love to come to your blog!
Congrats on 500! I started following your blog a few months back when i got my Gypsy. Your videos were such a huge help as I learned all the do's and don'ts of working with the gypsy!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Love your blog and thanks for the chance to win a Cricut Lite cart, especially this one, love it.
Oh this is the one that I want the most! My WM doesn't have them and not even sure they will get them! So to win would be grand! I am now a follower (thought I was) and would love to have you stop by my blog and check it out.
Froggie ((Hugs)) Theresa
Congrats Pam! I'm sure you will keep getting more and more followers. You have an educational, interesting and humorous blog!
Keep up the good work!!
Hi Im new to your blog. And I just got my gypsy about a month ago. Love your blog, your so smart. Its really great to have a blog you can go to and learn so much! Thank you! I check in on your blog alot! lol. Great giveaway and good luck all. Cindy at cricutlover20@yahoo.com
500 awesome. Wonderful giveaway! I don't have any lites yet, so it would be great to win one!
Congrats Pam. I've been following since getting my G a few months ago. Your tutorials are super.
misha_113 at yahoo dot com
Congrats on your sucess. I have had you in my Google Reader and enjoyed your blog tremendously. What a Fantastic giveaway, thank you for the chance to win. Hope you hit 1000 very soon!
lol I've been following for a while--manually! Congrats on 500 and thanks for a chance to win!
SharonS s underscore suske at hotmail dot com
Ohhhhh...Thanks for the chance to win. I would love to have this cartridge.
Congrats on hitting 500.
graphite_1 at yahoo dot com
Hi Pam
You are awesome!!
Thanks for being so helpful and congrats on over 500!!
Leaving for Alaska Friday after work. Hope I have as much fun as you.
Congrats on hitting 500! Love your video's they helped me alot.
Thank you, Pam!! Here's to another 500!!! And a giveaway is appreciated by all!! You picked a great cartridge...now I have to wait and see if I win!!
Bev B
bevborda at yahoo dot com
Congrats on a new milestone!! I have been a new follower of ur blog and youtube videos!! They have been a ton of help in learning how to use my gypsy!! Thanks for the videos!!
Danette Gabaldon
Congrats On 500 followers, I have been a follower,thanks for being so helpful. I would love to win the cricut lite cart!!
Thanks agian
Woo Hoo!!! Way to go Pam! I know what you mean about watching the Followers. I have 27 and remember seeing each one of them join! :)
Congrats on 500 followers. Thanks for the chance to win such a cute cartridge.
I'm happy for you. I follow you every day and really enjoy your site. I don't have a blog, but I love making cards and get a lot of ideas from you. Congratulations!
Mary Ann
Whoo hoo, congrats! This is a fantastic giveaway too! Thanks for the chance, I love your blog!
Happy 500! Congratulations!! I hope I win that sweet cartridge. Thanks for the giveaway.
Congrats on 500 and thank you for the chance to win :).
Congrats! That is awesome! Thanks too for the opportunity to win a Cricut Lite cartridge! How exciting! I have been a follower for quite awhile now and really enjoy your projects! I'm off to visit your friend's blogs!
Happy 500!!! Great giveaway, thanks for sharing.
Congratulations on the 500th follower! You cracked me up when you explained how it is to watch that number - I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!! I am so new to this and check everyday --- YIKES. Take a peek at my blog and follow me too!
kozfam5 AT blogspot DOT com
Jenny Kozar
jlkozat AT comcast DOT net
Congratulations Pam on breaking 500 followers. I enjoy your blog so much. Your videos are great, I've learned so much. I've been an email subscriber (love that option!) for quite a while and am a follower too.Thank you very much for all you do for us! Thanks also for the chance to win this cartridge - I can't buy any of these new "Lite" carts in Canada.
sucor_2 at hotmail.com
Congratulations. I love your site.
Thank you so much for the opportunity. I am going to check out your blog. yorkielov@gmail.com
Keep up the great work! I have learned so much about the Gypsy since I found your blog. Thanks for all you do.
I am one of your followers. I enjoy your videos. Thanks for the chance to win a great caretridge.
Congratulations, Pam! Thanks for your continued inspiration and for the opportunity to win this great giveaway!
kcmarlowe at hotmail dot com
500+ followers...WTG!
Congrats! I am now following your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!
Congrats for reaching 500!!! That's so awesome!!! You rock the blogosphere so it's no surprise to me!
Congrats Pam!! Thanks for all your inspiration.
Ha followers is just another name for stalkers. LOL We love to stalk you to see what you come up with. thanks for sharing very inspirational.
Up to 536....whoo hoo! I really have enjoyed learning more about my Gypsy thru your blog...so thanks for sharing all that info!!
Congratulations on reaching 500! I really love your blog! Your tutorials are so helpful. I had your blog in my favorites, and I am now following by as an email subscriber.
chadkyle2010 at hotmail.com
WOW!!! Congrats on having that many followers!! That is awesome!! What an AMAZING giveaway, too! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Congrats on over 500 followers!! Love your posts!
Tamara tlb5380 at gmail dot com
countryscrampersplace dot blogspot dot com
I am already following...thanks for the fun giveaway. I havent bought any Lites yet but this is one I would love to get.
jtg0398 @ sbcglobal dot net
Congrats on breaking 500. I am so happy for you. I look forward to your videos. I really enjoy them. TFS your knowledge and creative gift.
Congrats Pam on over 500 folowers! That's awesome! Ive learned so much from your blog and videos. Donya at 1okscrapper@gmaildotcom
Congrats on reaching 500+! I know that I sent a few friends this way! Can't wait to see who the lucky winner is. I personally would love a Cricut Lite because all of my Wal-Mart's think I am foreign when I ask where they could possibly be because NO one has them!
Congratulations on reaching 500+. I know that you will soon reach 1,000. You have an awesome blog with wonderful projects and helpful information. Thanks for the opportunity to win the cartridge.
Congrats on hitting the 500's!!! That's awesome!
Well congratulations on your 500 follows, I just discovered your blog referred by Larlyn and wow am I glad this looks like a fantastic blog with a lot of info. I became a follower so enter me in the drawing I just got a Gypsy so I will be looking at your instructions
Way to go, Pam! It doesn't surprise me! Your blog is one of the coolest and most informative I've ever read/followed!
Congratulations on your attaining 500 followers! Awesome! And thanks for the great giveaway! I love your blog! I always come here for help and ideas!
Congratulations Pam!! That looks like a great cartridge - thanks for being so generous with a giveaway! And thanks for being so helpful with your videos and this blog! dolly23 at si dot rr dot com
I''m a follower now --you have a great site!! thanks for the chance to win millierose651@aol.com
I am so glad I found your blog. I was looking for help with my gypsy and your site came up off of the cricut message board. Congrats on all of the followers and I hope to be selected. slnewby@gmail.com
Congrats on the big 500. I love your designs. Thanks for the chance to win.
tigerrlyli at aol dot com
Congrats on hitting 500!!! So happy for you!
YAAAAAAAY! Congratulations! I love your blog! I would love to win, so I am crossing my fingers!
Woohoo!!! Congratulations on 500 followers!!! Way to go, Pam!!!
I would sooo love to win this!! Congrats on reaching 500. Love your ideas and projects.
kazii at tstt dot net dot tt
I am soooo in need of this cart!
Congrats on the 500!! Woo Hoo!
Brandy Yearous
brc23 @ hotmail.com
WOW!! 500 followers!! good for you!! And thanks for sharing all of your knowledge of these wonderful provo craft products we love so much!!
barb :)
Grrrrrrrrrrrl, lookit where you went :D. Huge Kudos to you for hitting that milestone!!! What a great giveaway! Keep up the great work!!!
Congratulations! Appreciate all that you do!
Congratulations Pam....500 followers...wow! I am not surprised as you have so much valuable information on your site!
himmy at sympatico dot ca
Haven't found any Lite catridges up here, so this would be a great give-away!
Pam thank you for all your help!! I luv all your videos!! Congratulations!!! Luv the giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on reaching 500. Thanks for achance to win the cart. I have your site on my homepage so I don't miss anything going on here. Great job.
This is great news and congrats! I love all of your videos and your inspiration. Keep it up as I definitely need you! Many thanks! Kelly
Congrats on the 500! Awesome blog! Thanks for the chance to win a Lite cartridge - they have yet to become available in my area :)
Woo-Hoo! Congrats on OVER 500 followers! :D
Love your blog. Your videos have helped me so much. I'm still learning how to do all this "crafty" stuff.
Thanks for the chance to win one of these great carts.
ereitsma @ charter . net
Pam Congrats, i have no wonder why people love your blog. I know I do and come here often. Thanks for a chance to win a cart.
What a great giveaway! I love your designs!! -- Devanie
devanie99 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Congrats on your 500 followers!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Stop to say hi at http://earthyscrap.blogspot.com/ or send me an email @ enellagohayperritos@hotmail.com
Congrats! Your blog is great! Thanks 4 a chance to win. Come visit me at http://lovnmystuff.blogspot.com
You are the best! Congrats! Thanks for giving us the opportunity for a new cart.
congrats... your projects are great and so are your advice on the gypsy...
catspride3 at yahoo dot com
Congratulations, Pam. Thanks for having such a great blog!
Thank you for all you share. I've been lurking for the last few weeks and have learned so much. So many of you are so generous to share your work as inspiration, which is exactly what I need. I got my bug last Fall and only made one cut. It got packed away, but I've pulled it back out to try to learn more. I only have a few cartridges and am fighting the learning curve of SCAL and Inkscape. Thank you for sharing! spoe3471@sc.rr.com
Congratulation. I love that your blog is a lot about the Gypsy!!!Thanks for all the info.
I am a follower in Google Reader. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have been a "stalker" (lol), but I am now a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.
Congrats Pam......what an incredible milestone!!
Now this is a fantastic giveaway.... thank you and a huge congrats to you!!
Congratulations on the number of followers!! I have been a fan for a while. Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing prize. You rock!!
gaudet5 at rogers dot com
Hi Pam, Congrats!!!! I am a long time follower, this is so sweet of you.... love your posts...and would love the chance to win this cart.
brodiec88 at hotmail dot com
Congrats on reaching 500! Here's to 500 more!
jodibrown330 at gmail dot com
I just recently found your blog and am having a great time checking everything out! Thanks for chance to win such a FABULOUS prize and Congrats on 500+ followers!
WOW! Way to go!
Angela cajunaggie@hotmail.com
Congrats on reaching 500 followers. I'm sure you'll double that soon.
Way to go, Pam. Congrats on your 500th follower. As I read the comments, I see that the number has grown even higher. Great prize; hope I win it.
Wow 500, that is awesome!!! Thank you so much for being do helpful on the cricut boards and for all of your wonderful creations.
What a beautiful Cartridge...thank you for a chance to win it! Congratulations on reaching 500 Followers. I can understand it...you have a great site!!
Congrats Pam on reaching 500 followers! What a sweet giveaway!
jennafletcher at gmail dot com
This is so nice of you! Thank you so very much! Your blog is so helpful to me (especially your videos) as I am a gypsy owner. You always get the job done!! Thanks!!
Congrats on going over 500 followers!
love your blog, have learned lots from you! great giveaway - pick me!! LOL
Congrats on the 500 follower milestone!! Thank you for the chance to win.
Wow!! How I love that cart too!! Congrats on the numerous followers, but hey, your blog rocks!!
Thank you for the chance to win. I really enjoy reading your posts!
congrats on 500,now you are almost to 600! Thanx for the opportunity to win this cart! I'm excited to see what creative inspiration you have to offer. Have a great weekend!
oops, forgot to add my email ;)
What a great blog! Thanks for the chance to win!
Congratulations on the 500 followers!! I check you blog as often as I can. I would love to win the cart as we can't get them in Canada yet. Thanks for the chance!!!!
gaudet5 at rogers dot com
I just found your blog! Fantastic place. I need a full day off work just to see it all. Congrats on the # of followers. I have a feeling that number will keep climbing!
Thanks for the opportunity! I'm a follower.
Hi Pam,
Congratulations on hitting 500 followers (that's a lot!)!!! :)
Thank you so much for the chance to win such great blog candy (so generous of you)! I love the new Cricut Lites (want them ALL, but don't own any)!
partridgelu at yahoo dot com
new Gypsy owner here, saw you on the Cricut boards...the cart giveaway is sooo cute!
became a 'follower', need the G tips!
Woohoo 500. And I just became 577. Congrats.
mlpetersime at yahoo dot com
woohooo!!! so exciting! i have been following you for a loooooooooooooooooong time! :) I hope i am picked because believe it or not.....I do not have this cart! OOOOOH i need to win!!!! pick me! Pick me!!!! :jumps up and down with excitement!:
you know where to find me.....i think you are following my blog.......hmmmm I hope so!
Congrats on hitting and PASSING 500!!!! How exciting.
Congrats Pam on hitting almost 600! Thanks for all you do with the videos, tutorials, projects and.....giveaways! 1okscrapper@gmaildotcom
"kind encouraging and inspiring words"
I appreciate your comments so much. They are treasured and such an inspiration. Thanks for leaving them.