April 17, 2010

Setting the cursor height

I had added a tip couple of posts back that tapping on the image and then tapping on the height and tapping outside will set the height automatically for you.
Please check is your update is 169 and 0170. It worked on mine for 0170. Couldn't I have left it all alone...
I am an idiot sometimes. Curiosity killed the cat and certainly killed this feature on my G :(
I had to see for myself how the ctrl alt shift q buttons work and I got an update and now that feature is gone. waaaaaaaaaaaaa...
It was there on my G as I tested more than once an was so happy at the discovery..well it's gone now I have to have them in a group and note the cursor and type it out.
Well atleast I found that the buttons work and  that  my G was unique. I have to go and edit the tip now. :(

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