March 31, 2010

The Right Teacher ,

is the catalyst who makes things fall in place in your brain. Practicing ie doing what is taught helps open the eye. What a combo!! As you all know I have been taking a photography class at Yeah - I have some books on this subject as well but ISO, Aperture, shutter speed - well I couldn't hardly keep my shutters open haha. Now with the right teacher - Candice Stringham- Yeah babe!!it's all clicking!!
Of course the right tools help as well - Oh Yes!!!!!!!! I got my new camera and here
is my assignment for week 2. Mind you these are my first shots with the unfamiliar camera.
Have lots to learn. I was so scared to take it out of the box and trembling when I took the photo.
Thank god the camera lens has vibration control. You can click on the photo to enlarge a little and view in seperate window. The object of this lesson was how aperture priority is important in focusing the subject and blurring the background. I am happy with the blur I got. I am doing the happy dance and singing too.certainly not off key! I am a very good singer.


  1. Love your photos they are beautiful! I may have to take the next session of this course.

  2. WOW!! A++++

    You are going to make Candice really proud!

    That camera takes amazing pics!! so does the camera operator lol!!! :) :)

    Great job sweetie- and to think you were nervous! ha!

  3. Good job, Pam...I just received the Nikon D3000 for Christmas,(Love it) I too was so scared to take it out of the box, oh and to put on the lense and switch lenses, I was shaking so bad, I thought I might drop it,LOL. I still am a little scared, maybe I should take a class or 2
    thanks for the update,can't wait to see future assignments!!


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