March 8, 2010

Here I go changing the looks of my blog again

Well. One of the softwares I got called Artiseer was sleeping for about 6 months in my computer and I thought why not give it a try. It took a little while before I got the blog to my liking somewhat. Then the Blinkie looked so out of place so had to design another Blinkie - which hopefully suits the blog. So here I go again.
This time I will not guarantee that I won't change the background LOL. Its so easy and quick to change that my blog will change colors hopefully only when the season's change :)


  1. I like it, lol. I downloaded from free site. I would probably change to suit my mood if I knew how to design my blog myself instead of getting free borders online.

    You did good girl. I accidentally put myself as a follower on my blog and can not get it deleted, lol.


  2. I love your new button. Butterflies and lady bugs are my favorite bugs. I put it on my new blog.


  3. I really, really like this new look and 3 columns too, I am impressed. I had to grab that beautiful new blinkie too! Thanks.

  4. I love the new look. Very well done!

  5. I love the new look! So much more contemporary!


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