and one from SassyLady at http://www.shesasassylady.blogspot.com/ . Thanks Sassy

Ok so now it's my turn to pass this one to 5 bloggers each.
So here's the 5 for brightside award. I will just name their blogs as they might want to keep their names private. I have seen these people's works. I love the way all of their brain works. I love Sassy, Mya and Cindy and this time I will name others.
1) http://www.thunderbirdlindybydesign.blogspot.com/. She has some awesome designs on her blog and is so bright and cheerful
2) http://ohhhsnapper.blogspot.com/. what a humorous girl this one is. She comes with unique things on her blog and is so willing t experimnet new stuff. I love that adventurous spirit.
3)http://scrap-n-dance.blogspot.com/. A lovely girl and so talented . She designs for gypsy challenge spot too Love her.
4) http://www.cherylswindow.blogspot.com/. A sweet girl with sweet voice and comes up with lovely designs as most of you would have already seen.
5)http://scrappyrn-scrappyrn.blogspot.com/. Enabler girl who comes up with lovely cards that I have to go and buy those cartridges.
Now for Sweet Blogger award
1) http://snoflaks.blogspot.com. Go check her lovely blog and her lovely creations
2)http://p-kaysunshine.blogspot.com - Yes she is such a sunshine. Early gypsy members will remember her as that cheerful encourgaging girl. She posts awesome layouts in her blog. Love this girl.
3) http://seefluffyscrap.blogspot.com/ - Very bubbly character. She has some very helpful gypsy videos in her blog. Lately she is doing gorgeous layouts.
4)http://scrappinphlen.blogspot.com/. She is one of the first person to start a positive thread in the G MB. Love her spirit and her lovely creations.
5)http://weremakinmemorieshere.blogspot.com/ Just love this girl's sense of humor. She is so talented and knowledgeable too. But all Mickey's watch out as she has a mean hand.
So that's my blog list for today.
now for 5 things about me. Do you really want to know?
1. I love milk chocolates - plain ones without any nuts. I am allergic to nuts. ;)
2. I am a book worm. I can finish 500 pages within 2 hours if it's not boring LOL. Science fiction and Mystery are my favorite kind. My favorite authors in science fiction & Fantasy - Asimov, Anne McCaffrey , Mercedes Lackey and ha ha - J.K Rowlings. In Mystery - Sir Conon Doyle (Sherlock Holmes) & Agatha Christie. No wonder I am salivating at the thought of RobotZ cartridge LOL. I also love comedy. I love reading Asterix and Tin Tin and also love the humor in P.G Wodehouse
3. I just want to know stuff. I have a insatiable appetite to learn things. Sometimes I go so overboard. I buy books ,do internet research.... Hubby hates this about me, as I keep buying books on so many subjects that he says that he trips over them and says however big he builds a house I'm sure to stuff it with books. He may be right on this - I have to concede as for painting alone the count has gone upto 350 . oops
4. I love my dogs and spoil them so much that hubby says that I love them more than him and kids.
5. I love color and texture. No doubt I love to paint and play with papers. But I love biology more and would have ended up as a Doctor if it were not for my brother who being a Doctor did not want his little sis to end up like him - ha ha. What a sad loss for the medical field!!!
Whew! That was so difficult . I do not like writing about myself and am not comfortable with it. Who wants to read boring stuff like this anyway!! Eeeew.
Pam, you are so sweet. Thank you for all you do and for your kind comments. Thank you for Brightening my day with this award.
I LOVE your Blog and LOVE LOVE your advice!!!
now I'll go check out the other blogs you recommended....
PS. Chocolate HELPS the mind absorb what your reading....LOL.... so eat up and read on....
The one thing I love about these awards is what we learn about each other! Very interesting.... I don't read as fast as you and my hubby hates me reading to as I go on a book-a-thon... pick one up, 23 books later I look up and say lets do something.... Milk chocolate hey... Yummy.
Very interesting.
Thank you Thank You for the blog award, it made my day. I do not find you boring at all, I love finding out about others and how they Tick.
Thanks again for the award!
A belated, but heartfelt, thank you for the blog award!
"kind encouraging and inspiring words"
I appreciate your comments so much. They are treasured and such an inspiration. Thanks for leaving them.