December 21, 2009

Cartridge not linking

Sometimes some cartridges do not link. Hopefully you should have registered the cartridge at in your account immediately as soon it falls in your hand. Please do not be lackadaisical with this step. Do register, as always having more written proof you have the better as in all things in life. Do this whether you have the G or not. I used to do this blindly but how important this step was i just now being brought home to may of us who own the Gypsy as this can cause you a replaced cartridge if you have problems.
Well without much ado let me get back to topic
If you have followed all the steps. Link after each step and go to the next step only if the previous step fails.

  1. Plug it in till you hear a click. Only then is the cartridge plugged properly
  2. Reverse it and plug in- sometimes the other way works.
  3. Blow to get dust out and try cut something with it and try.
  4. Plug in cricut, link G to cricut, cut something while still in cricut and link through cricut and try (george and basic most of the times works only while linking from cricut)
  5. Jiggle a little bit so that if you have loose contact - then contact is made. Don't jiggle too much , else cartridge will break.

If all the above steps fail please call PC right away.

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